In 2013 alone, Dark metals destroyed in excess of 1800 machines, most of which were earthmoving machines of which the largest was a Caterpillar 793 C dump truck. Last year also comprised of tanks, armoured personnel carriers, train engines, train carriages, draglines, harbour cranes, underground continuous miners, large copper coiled transformers, redundant trucks and even ball mills. In years gone by, the largest piece of machinery that we have destroyed was a 184 meter long, 4800 ton shipping vessel and second to that was a 780 ton Komatsu PC 8000 face shovel which took us little over two weeks to cut up and completely remove with absolutely no injuries occurring. All of the above allows us to confidently say “we are the best, and there is no entity out there that is more seasoned, faster or more efficient than us, and that is a fact!”